Summer is upon us, and if you don’t already have your Vacation Bible School (VBS) plans made, I strongly urge you to do so.
VBS has proven over the years to be a highly successful method of boosting your SS attendance and expanding your evangelism reach. But there are some things you can do to make this annual event even more successful:
(1) Plan in advance. Your fall leadership planning retreat should be the time you finalize your VBS plan and program. Choose a program that fits your church and goals.
(2) Gather supplies and staff early. A last minute rush can take all the excitement and passion from this great event. Meet regularly with your VBS team, starting early in the year.
(3) Pre-register families. Sign up church families and ask each to recruit at least one guest to come with them. Pre-register these non-church families as well.
(4) Six weeks before the event, hit the neighborhoods around the church. Pass out flyers, sign up kids and get permission from parents.
(5) Plan a special parents night. Personally invite every parent. Their child should have a part in the final VBS event.
(6) Contact the UPCI General Sunday School Division and ask them for copies of the “Enroll To Grow” program. Specifically, the brochure on “Benefits of Being A Member of Our Sunday School” that explains in detail why you should attend Sunday school. Enroll all unsaved parents and their children in your SS.
(7) Follow-up is essential. Provide transportation (bus, van or car ministry) for all children whose parents don’t attend.
(8) Prayer is essential, both before, during and after this event. Provide times for the children to worship, be taught the Word, and to pray for the Holy Ghost. The ultimate goal is not entertainment but salvation.
(9) Treat your volunteer staff well. VBS is a lot of work. Without a quality staff, this event will not see success.
(10) If you can, consider having a children’s evangelist attend your VBS. Their experience is invaluable!