Thirty years ago, I sat across from Paul Mooney at General Conference discussing the possibility of launching an online research database service patterned after the enormously popular American Online computer service (AOL). After seven-plus years of evangelizing full-time, I felt God directing me to launch such a ministry along with a ministry-focused magazine. Bro. Mooney was a user of AOL and saw the potential of providing online resources via dial-up modem. This was before the start of the internet as a means of nationwide communication. We discussed the challenge of starting a national computer bulletin board service (BBS) and maintaining many phone lines, preferably all connected via 800 number. I still remember Bro. Mooney hunched over, listening intently. After asking several questions, he expressed how IBC had just moved into its new facility and the financial challenge they were already under. But after a few moments of thought, with a quick smile and nod of his head, he said, “Massengale, I like this idea. Let’s do it. When can we get online?” Nine months later, in March of 1990, the Apostolic Information Service (AIS) and the IBC Perspectives magazine was launched.
Looking back, I can see that this was typical of how Paul Mooney operates. When he feels the confirmation of the Spirit, he quickly acts. Thirty-two years of success confirms the vision and insight that Bro. Mooney brought to the ministry of Calvary Tabernacle, Calvary Christian School, and Indiana Bible College. Thank you, Bro. Mooney, for the honor of teaching at IBC these thirty years. Your leadership and spiritual encouragement have made IBC what it is, and the steady influence of your ministry will be greatly missed. Nevertheless, the foundation you have brought to the Calvary family of ministries will be felt for years to come. In whatever aspect of ministry God leads you to in the future, our hearts and prayers go with you and the journey ahead looks bright in Christ.
By Timothy W Massengale