Your Church Can Double

After over thirty years of ministry in the area of church growth, I am strongly convinced that any church can grow and not just grow but at least double in attendance and membership. What does it take for a church to double? Sufficient desire by the pastor. Every pastor wants his or her church to grow. The question is: Do you want to grow badly enough to do what is necessary to bring about that growth? Unless you are currently in a steady growth mode, you are going to have to make changes. This will take considerable time and effort. If you keep doing what you have always done, you will continue to get what you have always gotten.

Sufficient desire by the church membership. Few churches have 100 percent involvement. But to double you need a goodly number willing to work with you. This was the focus of the earthly ministry of Christ: to train leaders and workers to build a church. He called the twelve, and He discipled the seventy. These men and women were passionate about the work of God and willing to sacrifice to spread the Good News.Implementation of key principles. God wants every church to grow, and He has given several fundamental principles that must be embraced if we want to see growth happen. The three keys are:

(1) Sow an abundance of gospel seed. If you sow abundantly, you will reap abundantly. The opposite is also true. You will need good seed sowing ministries working week after week.

(2) Organize your saints. You sow more seed two ways: involve more people in the sowing process and use more effective seed sowing methods. A pastor must have a plan to develop leaders and laborers.

(3) Retain the harvest. New convert care must be a priority. The infant church understood this. After 3,000 were saved on the Day of Pentecost, God inspired the Apostles to do three things with these converts: instruction, fellowship and involvement (Acts 2:42-47). While there are other elements that assist, these three are essential. If you would like more information on how to double guaranteed e-mail me or call 1-800-800-0247 for free information.