We are struggling to make the Home Bible Study Ministry work in our church. Any suggestions?
There are several things you can do to jump-start your Home Bible Study (HBS) program. First, I strongly recommend every year to bring in someone to promote the potential of the HBS ministry (lots of success stories) and then offer a HBS training seminar. Having been successful with the HBS ministry themselves, those teachers can speak with the voice of authority that it really works. There are many in our fellowship that can do this very effectively. Contact the North American Missions (UPCI) for suggestions. Remember, a successful HBS training seminar does not teach the actual lessons but rather how to teach and get a home Bible study. Your saints need the HBS ministry reinforced to their hearts and minds annually.
Following this annual seminar, conduct a HBS Emphasis Month. The push will be to get everyone in the church involved in the HBS ministry in some way. One of the best ways to do this is with a HBS contest. Divide the church into two teams. Let the contest run for 30 days or so, ending on a Sunday night with the winning team recognized. Each team accumulates points in the following ways: teach a HBS, host a HBS (in your home or in any location) but someone else teaches it for you, assist at a HBS (going as a non-teaching but praying partner), baby-sit for a HBS (either the teacher’s children or the students), pray for a HBS (you will be praying as the study is being taught), support the HBS ministry (give at least $20 to the ministry to purchase charts, books, etc.). Assign points to each type of involvement. The team with the most points at the end wins.
Finally, promote the HBS ministry at least monthly utilizing a variety of promotional methods. Do these three every year and the momentum will likely carry you all year and the end result will be many souls saved.