By Tim Massengale
Many times people start teaching a home Bible study without informing
the HBS director. Thus, the director has no way of checking on the studies progress and can’t promote consistency and success. A good way to encourage your teachers to contact you each time they start a study (and to also provide the teacher with some excellent handout materials for making their study more effective) is to put together a resource packet of material for the HBS teacher to give to each student as they teach certain lessons. This simple packet consists of a series of tracts corresponding to key lessons in the study and a student information form for the teacher to fill out. To make up your HBS packets, use 9″ X 1 2″ envelopes (and if you want to make the envelopes look nice, have printed on the cover, “Home Bible Study Resource Packet.”) Then, place the
following tracts within the envelope:
Obtain from the General Home Missions Division, UPCI:
- You Have A Right To Know The Truth About Salvation
- The Truth About The New Testament Time Line
- You Have A Right To Know The Truth About The First Church
- Water Baptism According To The Bible & Historical References
- (Others you feel that might be helpful)
Obtain from the Pentecostal Publishing House, UPCI:
- Wheel Of Prophecy – Who Is God?
- Why Did God Choose Tongues
- (Others you feel that might be helpful)
These tracts should be given to the student as that particular material
is covered during the home Bible study lesson. The student should be
encouraged to read the material and comment on it the following lesson.
Also place a HBS Student lnformation Form (similar to the sample
provided) in each envelope. Ask each teacher to fill out the form. You will use this information in following up on each lesson started (it is best to call your teachers each week, especially when the study is just getting started). Some HBS Directors also like to place a list of “Do’s & Don’ts” in each packet and briefly go over it with each teacher (especially your new teachers). A sample of this is also provided.
Teacher: ___________________________________________
Date Class is scheduled to begin: __________________
Name of person or persons in class: ________________
Address of Class: __________________________________
Phone Number: ____ Day & Time of Class: __
The Class was obtained through: (Circle one)
a. Hospital Ministry f. Family
b. Finding the Field g. Friend
c. Prison Ministry h. Bro. Raymond (Search for Truth)
d. Guest at Church Service i. New Convert
e. Personal Witnessing j. other _____________
What Chart are you using? Search for Truth
Exploring God’s Word
Date Class began: ___ Completed: ___
Results: ______________________________________________
By: J. E. Yonts
- Take a lot of love (study & pray).
- A couple should go together to teach a couple.
- A man to teach a man.
- The most dedicated Christians should be teaching. (like begats
like) - Take a miniature chart (if possible) let them write scriptures
and notes on it. - Always open and close in prayer.
- Be prepared.
- At beginning of each session ask a few questions about last week’s
lesson (review). - Recommend helpful books – creation, church history, biographies of
great Christians. - Try to continue the study until completion even if they disagree.
- Send a “Thank you” note at end of completed study.
- Follow up.
a. Make spot calls
b. Involve them in social life with you
- Not more than two (2) studies per week. (You must not neglect the
people you teach) - Don’t try to read all the scriptures in the lesson.
- Don’t take too long (45 minutes). If not through, quit and take it
up next week. - Don’t make it heavy (in depth). Keep it simple. (The objective is
to get them saved) - Don’t allow yourself to answer judgment questions.
- Don’t run down their church.
- Don’t run down any church (be positive).
- Don’t poke fun at churches.
- Don’t push YOUR CHURCH DOCTRINE (present Bible truths and allow God
to do the rest). - Don’t push your church attendance. (You can relate exciting
happenings) - Don’t answer questions that will be answered in subsequent lessons.
(ruins the punch) - Don’t argue (absolutely none).
- Don’t allow interruptive questions.
- Don’t be too authoritative (leave that to the ministry).
- Don’t lose your temper.
- Don’t be sarcastic.
- Don’t teach baptism at tabernacle study unless you are sure they
are ready. - Don’t be afraid to admit YOU DON’T KNOW. (Tell them you will bring
the answer back next week) - Don’t carry the day’s trouble into your lesson.
- Don’t let your faith weaken when it looks like they are not
(The original source and/or publisher of the above material is unknown.)
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