“An effective visitor follow-up ministry should be a high priority in every church. Why? Because your visitors are, without a doubt, your best prospects for salvation… Since most who receive the Spirit receive it in a church service and also come multiple times before receiving it, we must do everything we can to get our visitors to return. Each visit increases their chances of going to the altar. “
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By Rev. Tim Massengale
An effective visitor follow-up ministry should be a high priority in every church. Why? Because your visitors are, without a doubt, your best prospects for salvation. Consider the following reasons:
1. Ninety percent of the visitors that come to your church know someone within your church. Most of our churches have few “walk-ins.”
2. They are often searching for something spiritual or they would not have come.
3. They (hopefully) felt the power of God in your service.
4. Most important, the Word of God was planted in their heart by the power of preaching.
5. Finally, two very important statistics: (a) Ninety percent of all who receive the Holy Ghost in our churches receive the Spirit during a church service or a gathering of saints of some kind. (b) Most who receive the Holy Ghost in our services have come several times before receiving it. Very few receive the Spirit the first time they visit.
Therefore, since most who receive the Spirit receive it in a church service and also come multiple times before receiving it, we must do everything we can to get our visitors to return. Each visit increases their chances of going to the altar.
For a church to neglect so great an opportunity as their visitors and spend money, time and effort on a less likely prospect, is poor judgment. If your visitors do not return, you will have few receive the Holy Ghost. Therefore every church should strive to launch and maintain an effective visitor follow-up ministry.
How Visitor Follow-up Works
Visitor follow-up begins when the individual visits your church for the first time. Ideally a guest should be greeted at the door by a church doorkeeper. A friendly hand shake, a bright smile, and a kind word can set the tone for a pleasant welcome. Doorkeepers can help in many ways, especially when young mothers have arms full and children in tow.
After entering, each guest should be greeted by a trained host or hostess. A cheerful greeting and a warm handshake make a guest feel welcome and wanted. A well designed guest packet can also express that we care about their visit and hope that it will not be their last.
Guest reception experts tend to agree that it is best if the guest card is filled out by the host or hostess. Handing them a card and asking them to complete it and drop it in the offering plate will only see limited success. Many forget and very often the cards are incomplete.
Opening the guest packet, the Hostess quickly explains the contents and then takes out the guest card. Often she will say, “It’s so good to have you with us! Now, Pastor Smith will want to greet you properly. Would you mind if we got your names?”