What are the biggest “turn-offs” that can affect your growth?
Web site.
Recent stats show that 70% or more of your guests visit your web site before visiting your church. If you have no web site, get one. If your web site poorly represents your church, fix it. It’s the most cost effective form of advertising you can do. Don’t hesitate to spend needed dollars here.
Church Exterior.
Mow, trim, paint, wash, plant, repair, and improve. Ask a non-member to critically evaluate your building and grounds.
If you have limited parking space, appoint lot attendants. Have several ‘reserved for our guests’ spaces by the front entrance.
Child Care.
Nothing is more important to parents than their kids. Few things are more distracting than having to take care of them during service and altar call. Make an effort to provide child care, or at the least, a clean and well maintained nursery. Make registering kids for Sunday school a painless procedure offered to every guest by your guest reception and volunteers.
Child Safety.
Is your child safety procedure secure for both nursery and Sunday school? Could an ex-spouse or stranger take a child? Make sure it’s rock solid and that parents feel at ease.
Church Interior.
Clean, mop, dust, repair, etc. Especially address smell: entrance, rest rooms, child care, and Sunday school rooms. Ask a non-member to evaluate this also.
When newcomers enter your building they should easily find: sanctuary, church office, rest rooms, Sunday school rooms and office, fellowship hall, nursery ect. Have quality signs made. Lots of them.
Accessible Pastor.
Guests like to meet the senior pastor. Ushers/hostesses should be trained to go to guests following the service, greet them and inform them that the pastor would like to meet them if they have a moment.
Would your guests describe your church as generous? Generosity sends a very powerful message, and since 100% of your new converts come from your guests, it’s the best place to put your money. Quality guest packet. Free message CD’s. Free coffee and cookies. Free gift with all guest follow-up visits. Compared to your return on investment, your annual costs will be minimal. Spend some money here.
Poor quality sound and excessively loud sound make very bad impressions. Ask a non-member to evaluate this area also.
Power Point.
Songs and announcements on worship projection are pretty much a requirement now. Easy Worship is very popular. Use a quality projector and projection surface.
A Good Good-bye.
No one should leave your services without being spoken to and encouraged to return. Ushers, hostesses and lot attendants must be trained to do this and to remind others to do this also.