I have heard you say that visitors to your church services are the key to growth. Why do you say this? First of all, I feel that the most successful outreach program that any church can have is to simply have powerful, spirit-filled services. The vast majority of people who receive the Holy Ghost receive it during a church service. God has chosen the ‘foolishness of preaching’ to save them which believe. The one thing that most all growing churches have in common is dynamic, exciting, worship-filled services, along with anointed preaching and a lively altar call with skilled altar workers. So if your church lacks these qualities, make it your top priority to improve. Look at your music, sound system, service leader, song leader, special songs, choruses, service format, and altar workers. It is often good to invite an outsider (evangelists are often good at this) to help you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.
But having good services does not guarantee growth. You must also have souls in need of salvation. So getting unsaved visitors out to service needs to be your second priority.
Most visitors are the ‘oikos’ (family, friends, or acquaintance) of your church members. So continually encourage your members to invite people they know or meet. But it helps if you give them an ‘excuse’ to invite them. Consider planning at least one (or more) special service each month: Healing Sunday, Deliverance Sunday, Receive The Spirit Sunday, Friend Day, Missions Sunday, Revival Services, Dramas, Song Fests, Church Picnics, Cantatas, 5th Sunday Services, Family Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, Children’s Crusade, etc. Special services take time and money to plan and promote, but are worth it.
Finally, make sure you have a solid visitor follow-up ministry. Few people receive the Holy Ghost the first time they come. So getting them back is important as well. Organize a your visitor reception ministry to insure you get a guest card on all visitors. Enter all guests into a computer database so you can print labels and send out invitations to all past visitors on a regular basis. In addition, you can visit or telephone past visitors to inform them of your upcoming special service.