Over the past twenty-five years in working in the ministry of church growth, I have observed many churches in various stages and conditions. Some are…
Mike took a deep breath and tried to calm the butterflies in his stomach. He was not very good at this but he was determined…
Without a doubt, home Bible study programs such as Search For Truth, Exploring God’s Word, and others, have been the greatest tool of evangelism in…
Pastor Johnson smiled broadly and waved as Dave and Patti’s car pulled out of the church parking lot. Then, with a small sigh, he turned…
By Rev. Tim Massengale An effective visitor follow-up ministry should be a high priority in every church. Why? Because your visitors are, without a doubt,…
During your seminar I heard you refer to “Prospect Evangelism.” What is this? A prospect is any unsaved person that is connected to the church…
I heard you once say that true revival will only come when you have 100 percent of the church involved in outreach. Isn’t 100 percent…
Quit or Continue? We started a new outreach program several months ago and have seen only minimal results. Should I just forget it and try…
Our church has been the same size for over fifteen years (about sixty in attendance). The church doesn’t seem all that concerned about our lack…